AirBnb Price Analysis and Prediction

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The dataset contains data from the Airbnb website for different listings for the Los Angeles Area. It has a combination of numeric and categorical data, and the dependent variable for this analysis will be “Price” which is a numeric variable.

We would like to achieve the following:
1. Run correlations on the different features of an Airbnb listing and determine how they affect the price.
2.Conduct Exploratory Analysis to determine the most popular features in an Airbnb listing.
3. Run Regressions and Random Forest predictive models to predict the most optimal base price brackets for and Airbnb host.

Exploratory Data Analysis

Amenities Highly Correlated with Price

Based correlation analysis between the different amenities and price, we find that the amenities “dining area”, “pool or tub”, and “bar” have highest correlation with price. The analysis shows that the median price of listings that have a regular or formal dining area is higher by a significant amount of around $500. Places that offer Swimming pools, spas or saunas also have a higher median price than those that don’t.

Amenities with Low Correlation with Price

Low correlated Amenities There are also amenities, like the bidet, which seem to drive up the price of houses, however, the correlation analysis shows insignificant correlation between this amenity, and the price. The reason for this difference in price could again be due how upscale the rest of the accommodation is.

Prediction with Random Forest

The categorical variables used for this predictions were property_type and room_type. The model was generated using 80% of the data for training and the remaining as test data. The number of iterations is set to 100. The results are as shown below.

AirBnb Correlation

The graph was difficult to interpret due to the price variable being extremely right skewed. In order to improve readability, the price was transformed using log-transform so that it was not right-skewed. We created dummy variables for several of the categorical columns and came up with this distribution:

ABB Random Forest

Prediction with Linear Regression

Linear regression was run with Price as the target variable, and the other variables as predictors. The following results were generated

ABB Linear Regression